Journalist and Fentanyl Crisis Speaker

Ben Westhoff

Little Brother Launch Event and Cool Promotion

Benjamin Westhoff

My new book Little Brother: Love, Tragedy and My Search for the Truth is now available! You can get it wherever books are sold, but here’s a particularly cool promotion: If you order from Rainy Day Books, I will not only sign it, but inscribe whatever message you like. (So long as it’s not something objectionable, like “Go Cubs.”)

If you live in St. Louis, come to the book’s launch event on Wednesday, May 25 at 7 pm at the Ethical Society, 9001 Clayton Road. I’ll be talking about Jorell and his case, and showing slides of us over the years. It should be a memorable evening!

You can read the book’s introduction via this excerpt from the Riverfront Times, and here’s my interview with St. Louis Public Radio and a profile in St. Louis Magazine.